location_on 375 Shannonville Rd, Tyendinaga
Tyendinaga, Ontario K0K 3A0
401 exposure frontage on the exit ramp. Zoned RC-h permitted uses — retail-wholesale-flea market; farm & lawn n garden & nursery implement dealer sales and service: feed &seed &fertilizer mill; motel; restaurants & tavern & banquet hall; gas and diesel station; all automotive sales, service, storage facilities for 53′ trailers. The list price is expressed as Net Rent, per month, PER ACRE for a minimum 5-acre lot to be created (subject to municipal SPA) on a gravel road with no services provided by the owner. Rent is subject to the location within the site and subject to confirmation of road construction cost at the time of entering into a lease agreement. Escalations throughout the lease. On direct route from Toronto to Montreal and Ottawa. 35,000 AADT approximately Water sources and hydro are available. Good high and dry land with some streams. The property owner has various development plans and is interested to work with users to create an appropriate plan tailored to their needs.
375 Shannonville Rd Tyendinaga, Ontario K0K 3A0